Become a Lifestyle Energy Consultant

At the Lifestyle Transformation Institute (LTI) we know our system can change your life. How amazing would it be to make it YOUR life’s work to help others leave stress behind and live life in harmony and balance? Become a Lifestyle Energy Consultant with LTI and build a viable business quickly and effectively. We supply the training and business systems you need to get up and running within a couple of days, allowing you to concentrate on transforming your customer’s lives with this innovative, cutting edge technology.

Being your own boss in a business you love is within your reach. As a Lifestyle Energy Consultant with LTI you can:

  • Work for yourself from a location you determine.
  • Choose your own hours of work.
  • Earn multiple revenue streams.
  • Build a residual income.
  • Live a lifestyle of freedom and empowerment while genuinely helping others achieve the same.

Address your stress

The Lifestyle Energy Transformation System offers a powerful five-fold approach to combat the impacts of stress on harmony and wellbeing and bring balance back into your life. Based on decades of research and personal experience our package combines ancient wisdom with cutting edge, hi-tech therapies to produce real, measurable results.

The system comprises five components which combine to provide a unique and powerful, holistic solution to stress reduction, purifying the body and clearing energy blockages.

System Component Addresses
Heart Quest Removes the guesswork! Measures stress levels before and after sessions. Identifies the sites of energy blockages in the meridians and chakras, and weaknesses in the auric field. Used before and after sessions.
Sclerographics Uses reading of lines on the whites of the eyes and soles of the feet to reinforce assessment and session effectiveness.
Young Living Essential Oils Removal of cellular toxins, membrane repair & improved cell energy transfer. Removal of home environment toxins. Purify personal care & hygiene routines. Provide proper cell nutrition and assist membrane repair.
Lumalights Restores and enhances energy flow through the twelve meridians of the body. Activates the chakras and revitalises the cells through the porphyrins and DNA.
Universal Multi Dimensional Oscillator (UMDO) or Galactic Multi Dimensional Oscillator (GMDO) Brings balance to the energy systems that flow into the body, through the body and out of the body. Balances the emotional system creating a feeling of wellbeing assisting people to change their thinking patterns.
Tesla’s Innovational Technologies Products Strengthen the auric field and reduce the effects of geopathic stress on the body. Reduce the harmful effects of EMFs from mobile phones and you car’s electronic systems. Neutralise the impact of geopathic stress on your home and water supply.

A non-invasive, gentle and effective solution to energy blocks

The Lifestyle Energy Transformation system can be used by anyone to remove energetic blockages and combat the daily effects of stress. Our system is based on decades of research and a logical scientific methodology.

Say YES to harmony & balance in your body and home with the Lifestyle Energy Transformation System.

< Tesla's Innovational Technologies - The Business Model >


How it Works

The unique Lifestyle Energy Transformation System is designed to maximise the flow of life.

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Become a Consultant

How amazing would it be to make it YOUR life’s work to help others leave stress behind and live life in harmony and balance?

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Contact Us

Inspired by this amazing opportunity? Please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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