The Flow of Life

What a wonderful thing life is with its many facets. We are like diamonds wanting to shine for all the universe to see, as a celebration of our lives. To understand the depths of this beautiful body we live in, not to mention the operating system, that keeps it organised is truly amazing.

If we take a moment to understand how the operating system works and the energy system that keeps it functioning, we will find the secrets to maintaining and having a good life. A lot has been revealed over the last 150 years about how our bodies works. But what has be neglected by the main stream is the energy source that powers our life and our bodies.

A little journey to the other side of the fence is required to visit with some brilliant people from the last 140 years. These people have been largely neglected due to their discoveries and how their discoveries could change life on this planet if they would be adopted.

For example Nicola Tesla discovered free energy in 1899 and was able to transmit energy through the air and the earth. He demonstrated this by going 40 kilometres from where he was transmitting and placing 200 light bulbs in the ground and they all lit up. How different would life be today if we used his sysem! We would have no need of power stations or electricity bills. Tesla even developed a car that run from the same source, again we would not need the fuel industry or to buy petrol or diesel.

Tesla also understood that our bodies where connected wirelessly to the universe and powered by cosmic and solar waves. This is not to deny that we need food and water to function. Tesla developed technology to realign the energy field of our cells which would in turn help them to be fully charged. One of these devices was called the Multi-Wave Oscillator.

This might seem far stretched if it were not for the thousands of years of history by China, Tibet and India all speaking and teaching about the energy grid system in our bodies called the meridians, chakras, doshas, chi etc. They all talked about how important it was to be in alignment and the ways to read these systems.

In the 1960s Dr Harold Burr wrote a book called Blueprint for Immortality – the electrical patterns of life. This book was full of wonderful insights into how the polarity of our energy fields plays a big part to our wellness. He found that all the information that formed in the energy field around us revealed who we would be at birth and grow into as adults. He also found that for our body and organs to function properly needed to be in a positive polarity. For example in his book he talked about how over 900 woman were tested and found to have a negative polarity in the uterus area. 96% of these woman had some form of disease or cancer in this region.

They found that in some of the more severe cases if a hysterectomy was performed the region would return to a positive polarity and be in health. This theory applies to our whole being, thus it is important for our systems to be in the correct polarity. The Chinese had developed a system for reading the pulse and when done accurately they could tell exactly what the energy fields of the body where doing. They could also feel how the polarity direction of the body and organs were flowing. They know the meridian system plays a major part in the balancing our energy system and it is important that they are flowing in the correct direction unhindered.

In the 1960s in Korea a Professor by the name of Kim Bong Han and his team discovered many things about the meridian system, of most importance was that they are formed within 18 hours of conception. They found the meridians have a special fluid system and was measurable at 0.5-1.5 microns in diameter. They also found that there was a special connection to the etheric field or the energy field as described by Harold Burr. The work of these brilliant people and many others indicates the importance of having our energy systems in good condition.

The Chinese had developed a system for reading the pulse and when done accurately they could tell exactly what the energy fields of the body where doing. They could also feel how the polarity direction of the body and organs were flowing. They know the meridian system plays a major part in the balancing our energy system and it is important that they are flowing in the correct direction unhindered.

In the 1960s in Korea a Professor by the name of Kim Bong Han and his team discovered many things about the meridian system, of most importance was that they are formed within 18 hours of conception. They found the meridians have a special fluid system and was measurable at 0.5-1.5 microns in diameter. They also found that there was a special connection to the etheric field or the energy field as described by Harold Burr. The work of these brilliant people and many others indicates the importance of having our energy systems in good condition.

Human Electrical Frequencies and Fields >


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