Young Living Essential Oils
When it comes to essential oils, Young Living sets the standard for purity and authenticity. They carefully monitor every step of the production of their oils from their farms, beginning to end through their unique Seed to Seal® process. Because of the low temperature and low pressure in their distilling process a higher quality of frequency and oxygen uptake is possible with their oils.
This ensures the purity of each essential oil and protecting nature’s living energy in every bottle. This unsurpassed commitment to quality means that you can be confident that Young Living essential oils and their range of infused nutritional supplements, personal hygiene and home cleaning products are safe and effective.

Essential oils are multifunctional so they have a wide spectrum of application. They work for the need that is present. If there is no need present in the body, there is minimal reaction. While essential oils are not accumulative in the body, their frequency and effect is cumulative. They are made of the same substances the body is made of – they are non-toxic.
Essential oils are absorbed and go to work within seconds in the body. Layering the oils in application and using the Lumalights together produces faster penetration and results. Essential oils stay in a healthy body up to 8 hours.
Essential oils provide a positive frequency to the body and contain oxygenating molecules which transport nutrients into the cells.
Essential oils and oil blends with higher frequency ranges work in the emotional and spiritual regions. Essential oils and oil blends that have a lower frequency have a more profound effect on making structural/physical changes.
When using Young Living Essential Oils with the Lumalight and Geometry System on the meridians as directed in the Lifestyle Energy Transformation System, extremely fast response and clearing the blocked acupuncture points can be expected. This restores the correct flow of energy. Single oils may be used and added to blended oils to increase effect.
Inhaling essential oils is particularly benefiting because the odour molecules travel up the nose where they are trapped by olfactory membranes. These nerve cells trigger electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in the brain in 23 seconds. The olfactory bulb then transmits the electrical impulses to other body centres. Essential oils have a profound physiological and psychological effect.